10 Number of BJJ Gi Colors You Need in Your Collection


Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is not just a martial art; it's a lifestyle that revolves around dedication, discipline, and self-improvement. Central to this lifestyle is the BJJ gi, a traditional uniform that not only symbolizes the practitioner's journey but also plays a crucial role in training and competition. Choosing the right BJJ gi color isn't just about aesthetics; it can affect your mindset, strategy, and even the rules you follow in tournaments. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the significance of BJJ gi colors and recommend ten essential choices every practitioner should consider for their collection.

1. White: The Beginner's Canvas

White is the quintessential color for BJJ gi, often symbolizing purity and the beginning of one's journey. It's the most common choice among beginners and is required in many academies for students below a certain rank. White gis are versatile and can be adorned with academy patches or sponsor logos, making them a blank canvas that reflects the wearer's progress and affiliation.

2. Blue: Progress and Stability

Blue gis signify progress in BJJ training, typically worn by practitioners who have gained some experience and competence in the art. It represents stability and a deeper understanding of techniques compared to beginners. Many academies require blue gis for mid-level students, making it an essential addition to your collection as you advance in rank.

3. Black: Mastery and Elegance

Black gis are synonymous with advanced practitioners and instructors who have achieved significant mastery in BJJ. They symbolize authority, respect, and a deeper commitment to the art. Black gis are often reserved for higher belts and instructors, reflecting their experience and leadership within the BJJ community.

4. Navy Blue: A Subtle Alternative

Navy blue gis offer a subtle alternative to the traditional blue, providing a darker hue that still complies with most academy regulations. Navy blue gis are popular among practitioners who prefer a less conspicuous color while still maintaining the symbolism of progress and stability associated with blue belts.

5. Royal Blue: Vibrant and Confident

Royal blue gis are vibrant and confident, offering a brighter shade of blue that stands out on the mat. They convey a sense of assertiveness and competence, often worn by competitors who want to make a statement during training or tournaments. Royal blue gis are eye-catching yet still within the acceptable range of traditional BJJ gi colors.

6. Black with Colored Piping: Adding Flair

Black gis with colored piping or accents provide a stylish twist to the classic black gi. These gis often feature contrasting colors on the collar, cuffs, or seams, adding flair without deviating from traditional BJJ gi requirements. They are popular among practitioners who want to express their personality while adhering to academy guidelines.

7. Red: Bold and Unconventional

Red gis are bold and unconventional choices that stand out in a sea of traditional colors. While not as commonly seen in academies due to strict uniform regulations, red gis are favored by some practitioners for their striking appearance and confident symbolism. They are often worn in non-traditional settings or special occasions where the rules allow more flexibility in uniform colors.

8. Grey: Modern and Understated

Grey gis offer a modern and understated alternative to the classic white and blue options. They provide a neutral yet distinctive appearance on the mat, suitable for practitioners who prefer a minimalist style or want to avoid the traditional color spectrum. Grey gis are gaining popularity in BJJ circles for their contemporary appeal and versatility.

9. Green and Yellow: Representing Achievement

Green and yellow gis represent specific achievements within BJJ, such as winning tournaments or reaching significant milestones in training. These colors are less common in everyday training but are used to distinguish accomplished practitioners or teams during special events or ceremonies. Green and yellow gis serve as symbols of dedication and excellence in the BJJ community.

10. Long Sleeve Rash Guards: Practicality and Protection

Beyond the traditional BJJ gi colors, rash guards play a crucial role in modern BJJ training. Long sleeve rash guards offer practical benefits such as protection from mat burns, improved grip, and moisture management. They come in various colors and designs, allowing practitioners to express their style while enhancing their performance during training and competition.

11. Short Sleeve Rash Guards: Lightweight and Versatile

Short sleeve rash guards are lightweight and versatile options for BJJ practitioners, providing flexibility and freedom of movement. They offer similar benefits to long sleeve rash guards but are preferred in warmer climates or during intense training sessions where breathability is essential. Short sleeve rash guards are available in a wide range of colors and patterns, catering to individual preferences and training needs.


Choosing the right BJJ gi colors is a personal decision that reflects your journey, achievements, and individual style within the martial arts community. Whether you prefer the traditional symbolism of white and blue gis or opt for more unconventional choices like red or grey, each color carries its own significance and cultural context in BJJ. By expanding your collection to include essential colors and incorporating rash guards for practicality and protection, you enhance your training experience while honoring the traditions of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Embrace the diversity of BJJ gi colors, and let your uniform tell the story of your dedication to this dynamic and empowering martial art.

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